Monday, February 11, 2013

The Autism Project Silicon Valley: Natural Learning Concepts

This is a great article and well worth sharing....

- By Jene Aviram

This article is property of and copyright ? 2003-2008 Jene Aviram of Natural Learning Concepts.? Reference of this article may only be included in your documentation provided that reference is made to the owner - Jene Aviram and a reference to this site?

The beginning

Two children have a diagnosis of autism.? One is verbal.? The other is non-verbal.? Both have limited communication skills.? Both have inappropriate play skills.? Both are self directed.? One struggles with transitions while the other struggles with noise sensitivity.? One is more academic while the other is more social.? The children are different in nature but equally impaired by challenges of autism.


Five years later one child is in a mainstream setting with very little support.? He has some residual autistic traits which are mostly unnoticeable by the untrained eye.? He has in every sense of the word ?recovered? from autism.? The other child is in a special education setting.? Although he was always verbal, maintaining a conversation is practically impossible.? He engages in a variety of self stimulatory behavior, has poor social skills and is impacted by autism in almost every area of his life.


What makes the difference?

While there is no accurate information about why some children ?recover? and some don?t, there are certainly a lot of theories floating around.? Some say that early verbal skills are predictors of success.? Others say the bigger the sensory challenges, the stronger the autism.? Many believe there is no recovery from autism and that ?recovered? cases are simply a misdiagnosis of autism in the first place.


What defines ?success? or ?recovery? from autism??

Many typical people believe that love, marriage, kids and a good career equals success.? It?s important to note these are personal choices, not success.? There are many people with and without a diagnosis of autism that might choose these goals.? What we?re looking at is the ability to lead an independent life with meaningful relationships regardless of personal choices.? With this in mind, let?s take a look at how you can increase your child?s chance of ?success? or ?recovery? from autism.


1.??? Help your child communicate

Learning to communicate is essential for leading an independent life.? Communicate is not the same as ?verbal.?? It?s wonderful if your child can talk but if not, seek alternate ways to teach this skill.? Many are afraid to teach sign language as they fear their child will lose motivation to speak.? This is a total misconception.? More often than not, signing speeds up the talking process.? When children learn their needs can be met, the motivation to speak increases.? Once they discover the joy of sharing their interests, there is no turning back.? Enhance verbal skills by teaching appropriate language about movies, school and things they enjoy.? Teach children to enquire about others.? Conversation is a two way exchange about the same topic.? Sometimes children do better with conversation when they equate it to something visual.?? Explain that it?s just like tennis.? I hit the ball and you hit it back, I hit the ball and you hit it back.? If I drop the ball (by going off topic) then you win a point.??


2.??? Sensory challenges

It?s difficult to learn when sensory challenges impede the ability to focus.? People often mistake sensory issues for bad behavior.? Sounds such as a slight hum from electrical equipment might sound unbearably loud or feel painful to someone on the autism spectrum.? If children are unable to express how external factors are making them feel, the result is increased frustration which typically leads to outbursts or tantrums. ?A few simple strategies from an experienced Occupational Therapist can make the world of difference.? Consistency brings results.? Encourage your child to practice the OT exercises regularly for maximum benefit.? Time helps too and as your child matures, he will find coping strategies and self regulation tools to cope with sensory overload.


3.??? Different therapies

ABA therapy!? Verbal Behavior therapy!? RDI!? Son Rise!? Floor Time!? TEACCH!? GFCF Diet!? Enzymes!? Music Therapy!? OT!? PT!? Speech!? Social skills groups!? The list goes on and on.? When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents are in turmoil.? With so many therapies to choose from where do they start?? Which therapy will bring the best result?? What about costs?? It?s overwhelming and confusing for parents who want to make the best decision for their child.? Educate yourself as much as possible by attending seminars, reading books and connecting with parents and professionals.? Therapy is just like learning to swim.? It takes patience and persistence.? If you don?t see steady progress within a few months by all means alter the choice of therapy and/or teaching methods.? If you?re trying supplemental therapies such as vitamins and diet, your child probably won?t be able to express how these things are making him feel.?? Always remember that you know your child best.? If something doesn?t seem right, it probably isn?t.? Despite common belief, you are not working against a clock.? You have time to explore various options that you think will help your child learn and grow.? Be kind to yourself.? You are making the best decision you can possibly make with the information and resources at hand.?


4.??? Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is one of the biggest predictors of success.? You?ve heard the saying ?IQ gets you through school but EQ gets you through life.?? The good news is that EQ can easily be learned.? So what exactly is EQ?? It?s the ability to understand your own emotions and those of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions.? It encompasses skills like self control, empathy and cooperation.? There are many ways you can increase EQ.? Teach children how to recognize and manage their emotions such as anger and frustration.? Teach them to express emotions such as joy and appreciation. Help them identify the emotions of others and to act appropriately when others are angry, happy or sad.? By increasing EQ, your child will develop interpersonal skills and develop the confidence for interacting on a personal and at the group level.


5.??? Self help skills???

Children on the autism spectrum often have poor fine motor skills.? This makes some of the most basic self help skills difficult for children to master.? The desire to impress others is often diminished in a spectrum child and it?s unlikely they will dress independently or button their coat in anticipation of the praise they will receive.? Self help skills are essential for independence.??? While it takes time to teach and master these skills, the value is immense.? Your child is not dressing independently if you have to prompt him through it or lay out his clothes first.? Similarly, if you have to put toothpaste on the toothbrush and prepare a rinse cup, your child is only semi-independently brushing his teeth.? Use visual schedules and teach in simple steps until your child is able to complete tasks without any intervention.? An added benefit is that your child will learn responsibility and accountability which do wonders for self esteem.?

6.??? There is no time limit

It has been suggested that if children don?t reach certain milestones by the time they are 5 or 10 or even 12, they will never ?recover? from autism.? Talking to actual people on the autism spectrum, this couldn?t be further from the truth.? Many adults with autism were essentially non-verbal until they were 10 years old or beyond.? Today they lead productive lives and maintain meaningful relationships.? You never know when that something will ?click? or if it will be a gradual and steady change.? For many adults on the spectrum, ?recovery? only came about in adulthood.? We do know that people are far more likely to succeed when they have supportive people in their life.?? Keep your faith and stand by your child.? You can?t afford to give up.? If you do, your child will feel it and act accordingly.? Your job is to delight in your child?s unique ways and instill the belief that he can achieve anything he sets out to do.? Whatever that is, you?ll be right there supporting him on his journey.


In conclusion

Your child is not on the spectrum because you neglected to do forty hours a week of ABA or because you never tried the GFCF diet.? Your child?s current level of functioning does NOT determine his future level of functioning.? It?s simply a guide to help you determine the next step towards a productive, happy life.? Forget about autism for a moment.? Like all kids, your child craves your love and acceptance.? Give it generously and your child will flourish and grow to be the best he can be.?



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