Monday, February 25, 2013

The Plugged-In Portable - Edomodo on Mobile Devices

Just three years ago, I?d book the computer lab if I wanted my students to have access to technology. Then, I was fortunate enough to acquire a dozen computers for use in my classroom, rendering my visits to the computer lab to a thing of the past. However, this year may mark the beginning of the end of most board-owned, desktop computers in my classroom. This couldn?t have been more evident this past week when I asked my students to use Edmodo to post a reflection pertaining to the book they?re reading. Only a very small number of students used board-owned equipment to post their response, everyone else used their personal mobile device that they bring to school each day. Colleagues often look around my classroom and assume that they cannot?integrate technology in their programming to the extent that I have because they don?t have enough computers. However, the computers that they require are brought to school each day in the pockets of their students. I believe that this paradigm shift is going to become increasingly clear in our classrooms in the very, very near future. Perhaps finally the classroom of 2013 won?t resemble the classroom of 1913.


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