Monday, May 28, 2012

Apple?s iPad plays crucial role in Greece?s debt restructuring ? Apple Insider

Apple?s iPad plays crucial role in Greece?s debt restructuring ? Apple Insider |
This entry was posted in Update News and tagged enterprise, industry-as-one, insider, Ipad, News Articles, plays-crucial, Roundup, saves-greece, table-border, Technology, world-last by apple. Bookmark the permalink.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Google vs Facebook : IPO Stats

World's largest social networking website, Facebook, going
public it is quite obvious that comparisons with Google will crop up. We
have collated some figures and here is a list of numbers comparing the
two giants.

Google received its funding of $100,000 in August 1998, before its inception, from Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems. For its funding, Facebook received $500,000 from Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal in June 2004.

The current market value of Google is $203 billion and Facebook's value, at the time of the IPO, was $104 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg's 533.8 million shares of stock makes Zuckerberg worth, wait for it, $20.3 billion at age 28. On the other hand, Google founders, Sergey Brin (36) and Larry Page (37), are worth $17.5bn each.
Facebook's long-anticipated IPO was listed on Nasdaq on May 18, the company has set its starting share price at $38 per share. Google went public on August 19, 2004. The company offered 19 million shares at a price of $85 per share.

Around 850 Facebook employees became overnight millionaires after the company went public which is only tad short of the 1000 millionaires (approximately) that Google's IPO created.
Facebook, valued at $104 billion, is the first US company to go public with a $100 billion plus valuation. On the other hand, Google had a market capitalization of more than $23 billion at the time of its IPO.
On the first day of trading, Facebook opened at $42.05 and hit a high of $45 before closing at $38.23 for a gain of just 0.6% above the offer price. Google had a great first day at Nasdaq its stock opened at $100 and hit a high of $104.06 before closing at $100.34, 18% above the IPO price.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Articles Internet Marketing Free Blogs PLR Private Label Rights ...

Private Label Articles - Get More Useful Content At Low Cost and Effort

Private label rights (PLR) are one of the hottest things in Internet marketing today. Everybody wants to know what they are and, more importantly, what benefits they can get out of them.

In essence, PLR is a kind of license you acquire for material, which allows you to change and edit existing material and call it your own. Without having to do a lot of work, you could be credited as the author of the material and not have to worry about any violations in copyright.

Not a lot of people know about the PLR articles, much less why they should pay attention to them. Give yourself the edge and find out why you should know all you can about PLR and how you can profit from them in the most efficient and effective way possible.

1. Saves time and effort.
You probably already know how much work and time it will take to write an article. On average, a single 700-word article will take about two hours to compose from scratch. If your intention is to create a website with over 50 pages, then you can see how daunting and time-consuming the task of simply writing content will be. PLR articles will save you this time and effort.

2. All credit goes to you.
You are under no obligation to credit the original author for PLR articles. As such, when you publish them on your website, no outbound links and advertisements will be there to distract your visitor / customer. All links will be focused on your brand and your affiliates.

3. Saves you money.
This point requires a different point from saving time and effort simply because of economics. Hiring writers to create content for your website averages about $15 per article. If your site were to hold even just 20 articles that you need to update regularly (say every two weeks), you'd see how the bill could add up.

But if you were to acquire PLR for a set of articles, you could save money because of the economics of scale. Articles are bought at bulk and as such it is possible to get your hands on 200 articles for only less than $30.

4. Editorial freedom.
You don't like how the article is written or the information it is presenting? PLR allows you to change the material right away without needing to ask permission from the writer.
This is also especially useful for optimizing your website for search engines since you can enrich the content with keyword phrases to improve your rankings in SERPs.

5. Create a brand for yourself.
Today, it's all about distinguishing yourself from the rest. PLR articles allow you to provide content that is both relevant and updated. By doing so you build a reputation with your target audience as an expert. And since people would much rather go with someone they trust, your chances of return visitors increases significantly.

6. Get professional results.
Many of the writers who offer articles with PLR are professionals and have access to the latest information regarding your field of interest. By acquiring the rights from them, you avail yourself of their professional results without having to retain their services regularly.

With one set of PLR articles and some creativity on your part, you can extend the life of the articles to the point where the content has more than paid for itself. So when sourcing out a supplier for PLR articles, ask for sample works to demonstrate the quality of articles you would be purchasing.

Now that you know why you should seriously consider getting PLR articles, here are some ways to get you started on profiting from them.

1. Compile a list or report.
You can consolidate a series of articles of a similar theme and package them as a report or listing of information. While you may think that anyone can do this, you'd be surprised how little of this is done.

Many people don't have the time to read or the willingness to read several articles at different times. Providing them a simplified version of the information they want will be a welcome offer for your visitors. You can either give away the report for free, sell it as your own product or use it as content on your website.

2. Use PLR content to create a series of small articles
This is especially useful when producing material for an email campaign. A series is by far, one of the more effective ways to create a following with your audience.

Give enough to allow them a feel for what you're offering and hint at giving more of the same if they will subscribe to your mailing list. In turn, your emails promote your website by inviting them to visit you on a more regular basis.

3. Produce ebooks.
It is very possible for you to take a set of PLR articles and come up with an ebook, for which you can credit yourself as the author.

Since you have created an entirely new product you could repackage this and sell this with your own resale rights. Just like you, there are people who are looking for material they can use for their own promotion needs so cater to this market as they are increasingly growing in number.

As you can see, using PLR articles are not only effective in providing truly useful content. They are also cost and labor-efficient, which means you can focus more of your time to more important matters, whether they are for business or otherwise.

Introducing the ultimate PLR articles pack, this massive PLR articles pack includes more than 400,000 PLR articles, all included with full private label right license. This massive PLR articles pack is categorized in more than 950 folders on different niche topics, from marketing articles to topics like health & fitness,pets,marketing,medical, fashion,travel, finance, birthdays, herbs and many many more.

This massive ultimate PLR articles pack is so huge that we had to divide them to several different packs, take a look below to see what is included in the massive 400,000 PLR articles pack.

Hello Friend,

If you would like to set up your own Info-Business, but hate to write, or have no idea where to get copy to create your own fresh products, then this is for you...

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

McNamee admits his story about Clemens changed


updated 6:22 p.m. ET May 17, 2012

WASHINGTON - During another seven grueling hours of cross-examination that frustrated all sides, Roger Clemens' accuser explained the evidence he kept in a beer can - and why his story about it has changed.

Brian McNamee was on the stand Thursday for a fourth day in the perjury trial of the seven-time Cy Young Award-winning pitcher, holding firm to his testimony that he injected Clemens with steroids from 1998 to 2001 and human growth hormone in 2000.

But Clemens' longtime strength coach again conceded that his memory of some details has evolved over the years, and that he initially told some lies during the drugs-in-baseball investigation conducted by federal agents and former Sen. George Mitchell.

Whether the jurors were still keeping track is another matter: They again expressed concern about the agonizingly slow pace of a trial that still has weeks to go, and the judge opined that Clemens' lawyer was "confusing everybody."

"At this pace," U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said, "I'll guess we'll be here forever."

Clemens lawyer Rusty Hardin tried to exploit McNamee's inconsistencies, even if it meant taking the case far afield from the principle issue of whether Clemens actually used performance-enhancing drugs. The former baseball star is accused of lying when he testified to Congress in 2008 that he never used steroids or HGH.

The day's testimony ended at a tantalizing moment. After some 19 hours on the stand, McNamee was being challenged by Hardin over the needle and other waste kept in a Miller Lite can after a steroids injection McNamee said he gave Clemens in 2001. The government is expected to show the waste contains Clemens' DNA.

McNamee indicated to Congress in 2008 that he kept the evidence primarily because he was starting to distrust Clemens, but he told the jury earlier this week he kept it because his wife had starting nagging him to do something to protect himself from being a fall guy in case he ever got caught.

McNamee said Thursday he had hoped to keep his wife out of the story. His change of heart came as he and his wife are going through a contentious divorce.

"Now she's involved," McNamee said, "she's got to take responsibility for her action."

McNamee said the beer can came from the recycling bin in Clemens' apartment, while conceding that he'd never seen Clemens drink a light beer. Hardin insinuated that McNamee manufactured the evidence after Clemens' televised denials of steroids use.

"All of a sudden, the person being accused is fighting back," Hardin said, "and you have to figure out some way to save yourself."

Hardin's aim is to portray McNamee as a serial liar, and he appeared to have some success this day.

"Did you ever tell Sen. Mitchell that you injected Roger Clemens approximately four times in the rear over a two-week period in 1998?" Hardin asked.

"That's possible," McNamee answered.

"If you did tell him ... would that be a lie?" Hardin asked.

"Yes, it would," said McNamee, who testified this week that he injected Clemens about eight to 10 times during Clemens' 1998 season with the Toronto Blue Jays.

McNamee again maintained that he had minimized the number of shots to try to help out Clemens.

"I wanted to make it not look like he was a bigger steroids user than he was. ... I never lied about the usage, just amounts," he said.

There were several similar exchanges. Hardin also displayed a calendar to show that a 1998 pool party at former slugger Jose Canseco's house was on a Tuesday; McNamee has always remembered it taking place on a Saturday. McNamee then went back and forth trying to place the date he gave Clemens' wife an HGH shot at the Clemens' home in Texas - switching from the 2003-04 offseason to the 2002-03 offseason.

"I could be confused," McNamee said. "I'm getting handed a lot of dates."

But it's an open question whether the lawyer's scattershot approach - leapfrogging from topic to topic with complex questions that evoke frequent objections from the government - will pay dividends with the jury. A serious trial that could end up sending one of baseball's all-time greats to prison was peppered with exchanges Thursday that sounded more like a situation comedy.

There was one exchange in which Hardin wanted to know why McNamee didn't tip off Clemens after being contacted by federal authorities. McNamee said Clemens never asked.

Hardin: "How could he ask if he didn't know?"

McNamee: "How could I answer if he didn't ask?"

Hardin: "You're serious?"

At another point, when Hardin was switching topics at a fast and furious pace, McNamee turned his palms up and said: "You're going from articles to emails - I'm trying to keep up, man."

Later, as Hardin was trying to pin another lie on him, McNamee responded: "I'm having a problem with the `lie' thing."

Then, when explaining why he decided to cooperate with federal authorities, McNamee said: "They would have had an opportunity to lock me up for lying." But Hardin mistook McNamee's thick New York accent, thinking McNamee said "life" instead of "lying." Hardin started to make a big deal of the comment until McNamee corrected him.

The sputtering pace of the trial, now in its fifth week, is taking a noticeable toll on the jury. Two members of the panel already have been dismissed for sleeping, leaving 12 jurors and two alternates. Walton emerged from a morning break and said they've been asking again how long the trial will last.

Walton sounded incredulous when the government responded that it had 14 more witnesses to call, which would bring its total to 26. The judge then told the jury that he expects the trial to last through at least June 8.

With the jury out of earshot, the judge said "someone's going to pay the price" for the slow pace, but Walton said he couldn't tell which side it would be. Then he segued into a critique of Hardin's all-over-the-place questioning.

"It's confusing everybody," Walton said, "but I don't think it's making much of a point."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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